Materials | emotions
What is the relation between
materials and emotions?
wherever we are
are around us
Forgotten leaf after the autumn

A piece of soap left on the wooden plate for a while

Bee wax

Emotions play a central role in the human ability to understand one another. They are often going hand in hand with feelings, memories or situations that are currently happening. They may kindle our curiosity - especially positive ones, or protect us from
repeating mistakes, when they are negative.
However, more and more of us feel lonely. About 60% of US population classify themselves as "lonely", and more than 46% of those are people between 18-36 year old. Though, feeling lonely doesn't mean being alone, or single.
During the last few decades, people become more emotionally speechless than ever and have difficulties to talk about their emotions or feeling with the others. Avoiding friends or relatives, we tend to surround ourselves with more and more objects. Is there a reason why we do so? What kind of emotions accompany us when we touch metal or wood?
How do people perceive materials?
Do we experience a glass ball differently than its wooden counterpart?
What do we feel, when we touch a paper or a metal sheet?
How do objects and materials around us affect our behaviour and emotions?

Emotions | Materials
How to understand the relation between emotions and materials?

Emotion is a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. (Oxford dictionary)
Emotions play a central role in the human ability to understand one another. They are often going hand in hand with feelings, memories or situations that are currently happening. They may kindle our curiosity - especially positive ones, or protect us from repeating mistakes when they are negative.
Material - a substance that things can be made from. (Oxford dictionary)
Wherever we go materials are around us, building objects that we pass by each moment. It's hard to imagine the World without them. They can be natural like wood or stone, or made arficially such as plastic or silicone.

Let's talk
about emotions

When we walk through the city...
we see a lot of forms and materials, but do we really care what we see?


Where are emotions?

The peak-end theory
Daniel Kahneman
Emotions - memories
Emotions helps us forming memories

Weber-Fechner law
Gustav Theodor Fechner

Typology of positive emotions
Pieter M.A. Desmet

Bodily map
of emotions
Lauri Nummenmea, Enrico Glerean, Ritta Hari, Jerri K.Mietanen

Emotional design
Don Norman

How lonely are we?
Emotions | Materials
Research process
cooperation with Sigmund Freud University in Linz

Blind test
The participant shouldn't be able to see the spheres, the visual aspect of the perception is not permitted during the blind research test. The participant is able to experience the parts of the set by using just one hand all the time.
The blind research set consists of 8 items in a size of 50 mm diameter spheres made by 8 different, not painted materials in no particular order (in random order).
The spheres are located on the wooden expositor (800 x 100 x 20 mm) covered with the black, non-transparent cloth with 8 holes through which the participant can experience the spheres.

Perception test
A perception test should be performed one day after the blind test. The participant is able to experience parts of the set without any limitations.
The perception test is the same as the blind test set and consists of 8 items in a site of 50mm diameter spheres made by 8 different, not painted materials in no particular order (in random order).
The spheres are located on the wooden expositor (800 x 100 x 20 mm).

From home
Emotions | Materials
Set build up

1st Research
In the first research 30 participants
from Art University in Linz were involved.

after 1st research